Musical Meanderings

This is a blog centered around some of the musical encounters and experiences that I come upon in my daily life as a musician.

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Location: Alameda, California

Monday, September 11, 2006


Last night I played with a really cool Flamenco group. These guys were fun and interesting and good! The instrumentation was guitar, latin percussion, violin and cello. There was no rehearsal and it seemed that we played forever. (Four hours!) We played in someone's backyard in Menlo Park. The house was gorgeous and the party was very exclusive- so exclusive that we never even knew who was throwing it. Were they even there?

But the musicians were really great and I so enjoyed working with them. After a few hours, we were shoveled off into the garage to eat some dinner. (No mingling with the guests!) The food was really tasty, little sandwiches and pizzas and stuffed mushrooms and such. Then we went out to play some more.

Playing with these guys was the opposite of playing with symphony musicians. No rehearsal! Anything goes! Just play!

I enjoy the contrast between the different musical groups that I play with. Variety really is the spice.

A nice gig with great musicians who were nice guys too. After the gig, they helped me to carry my gear out. That's what I'm talkin' about! That certainly doesn't happen in my all women band, the Druid Sister's Tea Party, or in my all women string quartet Enchante'.


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