Musical Meanderings

This is a blog centered around some of the musical encounters and experiences that I come upon in my daily life as a musician.

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Location: Alameda, California

Monday, February 04, 2008

La Pena with Ana Nitmar

Last night was a La Pena show with Guatemalan singer Ana Nitmar. I really like La Pena, as it is a cozy, down to earth community center setting, with a nice stage and wood floors.

I drank some brandy before opening the show up with guitarist Carlos Olivera. Carlos and I started with my own composition, "Love Chant". I forgot to turn my amp on for this song, but it was okay anyway, I think, as my cello is pretty loud acoustically and Carlos is not a loud player so I think we balanced. We then performed two of Carlos' compositions. He is a great composer and player and I think those pieces went well and were well received by the audience.

And then the whole band came on and we played Ana's show, a kind of pop/latin mixture of original compositions and traditional favorites in the Latin community. It was fun, if a little too loud for my taste. Why?

Why do bands have to play so loud? Why? I don't get it. I remember my father always complaining about this, and I thought he was just grouchy and a little crazy back then, but now, well, dad, I'm right with ya. At the Cirque du Soleil, when I went out into the audience from time to time, I had to wear earplugs so as not to damage my hearing. In my kickboxing class, I wear earplugs always. What is that all about?

Okay, anyway---good show, great folks, another fun evening of brandy, music and friends...

Lots of new shows coming up soon----I am performing with Ana again in March at the Brava Theatre in San Francisco, and with Ramana Vieira and her Ensemble here and there and everywhere. Check for these shows on my performances page if you are interested...I will try to keep it updated!